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Ask. Seek. Knock.

Receive. Find. Open.

"For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." —Matthew 7:8


The New Living Translation makes the message clear. The features of the NLT Study Bible bring the world of the Bible to life so that the meaning and significance of its message shine through.


Features from nearly 50 of today's most trusted Bible teachers include:


  • 300+ theme articles identify and explore the major topics and ideas of the Bible.
  • 25,000+ study and textual notes provide background and deeper explanations of words, phrases, verses, and sections.
  • 85 introductory articles set the stage for the Old and New Testament and each major Bible section, book, and time period, including the intertestamental period, the time after the apostles, and a harmony of the Gospels. Each book introduction covers background materials including authorship, setting, meaning and message of the book, an outline, recommended resources and more.
  • 220+ charts, illustrations, maps, and timelines organize and illuminate important information.
  • 200 Greek and Hebrew word studies trace the use of important words throughout the Bible.
  • 90+ profiles paint portraits of major figures in the Bible—good and bad.
  • 50,000+ cross-references connect related verses.
  • Words of Christ in red.
  • Text Size 8 Point
  • Note Size 7 Point


Vendor: Tyndale House
Publication Date: 2017
Dimensions: 9.50 X 6.50 X 2.00 (inches)
Weight: 3 pounds 7 ounces
ISBN-13: 9781496416667


NLT Study Bible TuTone LeatherLike Brown and Slate

SKU: 9781496416667


    739 N. General McMullen Dr, San Antonio Tx. 78228

    Telefono (210) 521 11 11


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